Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Star Boys - Episode III: The Force Awakens

The final chapter of Star Boys concludes as Ricky, Carlos, and Matt are joined by new Star Boy Amos Stillwell, as they discuss the biggest movie since...ever, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
No topic, issue, criticism goes untouched, as the boy discuss the introduction of new characters, the return of old favorites, the directing style, theories about what's to come next, and of course the BIG scene. You know what we're taking about.
But the boys also discuss some more critical questions surrounding the movie:
Does it borrow too much for A New Hope?
Do the practical effects and puppets hold up?
Is Rey a Mary Sue, or are her critics a bunch of unwashed meninists who have never spoken to a woman? (Spoiler: It's the latter)
We go from the opening crawl to gruff Harrison Ford, BB-8, the Muppets, Super 8, Kylo Ren, How Simon Pegg's Daughter Saved the Movie, the New York Mets, Mad Max, George Lucas, Emerson kids we disagree with, Jefferson Starship, Twitter, Michael Giacchino, sand, puppies, and Bill Buckner.
What can we say, but "Now THIS is podcasting!"

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Star Boys - Episode II: I Hate Sand (and Prequels)

The Star Boys continue their Star Wars discussion, now focusing on the undesirables - the now infamous prequels.
But are these flicks really just icky, icky poodoo or did audiences miss something?
Well, apparently, because the debate gets more heated than the lava planet Mustafar!
Tune in and hear Matt and Carlos go neck and neck over Episode III while Ricky does his best Liam Neeson, Jar Jar Binks, and a scenery chewing Palpatine!