Sunday, February 28, 2016

Oscars So White. And Male. And Old. And Dumb.

It's Oscar night and that means predictions! The Red Carpet! The Favs are all out! Exclusion and bias and prejudice.
Indeed, this year's Oscars have had a lot of controversy due to its lack of inclusiveness with its nominees, in particular towards films centered by or created by people of color, as well as women in non-acting roles.
Join Ricky with a special guest, Film and TV Scholar, Alicia Carroll in a very informative and engaging discussion about those problems of exclusion, what needs to be and is being done by the industry to resolve them, and what young artists can do to help.
And the two of us also share some of predictions as well.

And be sure to read up on some of Alicia's articles about the Oscars here:

I, Too, Am Hollywood?  -

Some Thoughts on #OscarsSoWhite — For Those Who Care and Those Who Don’t, Alike -

And far, far, far more important than the Oscars, is the #JusticeforFlint concert, which will be live streamed tonight.
More information here: