Sunday, February 24, 2019

An Animated Oscar

The pod is back just in time for a host-less Oscars night! Ricky is joined by James Church and Lexie St. Jacques to discuss the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, in particular this year's nominees and the tumultuous nature that has surrounded the category since Shrek emerged from his outhouse! Won't you join us? And the ad revenue goes to...

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Rogue FUN: A Star Wars Pod and Remembering Carrie Fisher

The Star Boys are back! Ricky joins forces with Amos Stillwell, Matt Kranis, and Carlos Rojas to discuss the latest installment of the Star Wars series: Rogue One!
While not a full fledged episode in the sprawling space saga, Rogue One serves as Disney's first attempt in a supposedly endless series of anthology films within the Star Wars universe.
What does this mean for the Star Wars films as whole? Does the movie still stand as its own story? Are you one with the Force? AND is the Force one with you?
But more importantly than what a bunch of nerds think about a sci-fi movie, the boys take some time and remember the legacy of Carrie Fisher, not only an iconic actress within the Star Wars universe, but an icon within our universe, serving as an advocate for mental health, a comedienne with unending wit, a social media goddess, and a feminist hero to her fans, and peoples everywhere.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Moana, or Heihei = Bae Bae

The pod returns with the tide! Ricky sits down with friends of the show Lexie St. Jacques, Paige Anderson, and podcast newcomer Cornelia Tzana to discuss Disney's latest film: Moana!
Is the buzz true? Does Disney continue to upload its legacy of groundbreaking animated films? How is Founding Father Lin-Manuel Miranda's screen debut? Can The Rock sing? Can The Rick sing? Can YOU consider the coconut? Hold onto your hooks and absent minded poultry and jump in!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Di$ney's The Lion King 4: BRING BACK THE 90s!!!

Simba...Remember...remember THE 90s??? Well apparently Disney does, as last week they announced plans for a "live-action" remake of objectively the greatest piece of art ever created: The Lion King, to be directed by The Jungle Book alumn Jon Favreau.
Ricky sits down with fellow animation aficionado James Kinder to discuss this CG return of the king. Should Disney even attempt to fix what is clearly not broken? What patterns are there to these constant live action remakes? What can a 2016 audience gain from a remake of a film only two decades old? And come on, let's be real, they're just doing it for the money, right? All these questions and more in this week's pod! Trust us, it's to DIE for.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Pixar Pod: Finding Dory

And the Pixar Pod has returned!!! Ricky, Lexie, and James are united with animation extraordinaire, Paige Andersen!
The gang goes fishing for questions. Is Finding Dory better, just as good, or worse than Finding Nemo? Can Dory hold her film? How are the new characters, the old? How does this hold up in the Pixar line-up? Is possible to get "Just Keep Swimming" out of your idea?
Listen in to find out. But spoiler, the answer to the last question is no. Never.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Pixar Pod: Part 4 - Monsters University, Inside Out, The Good Dinosaur

And thus, The Pixar Pod reaches its end. Lexie, James, and Ricky sit down for one last time to discuss Pixar's latest three films - Monsters University, Inside Out, and The Good Dinosaur.
What does the contemporary Pixar landscape look like? Do these films hold up to the classic era, or is it a time gone by? And more important, what does Pixar say about the world will live in? And what does the future hold?
All these questions and more in our thrilling conclusion!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Pixar Pod: Part 3 - WALL-E, Up, Toy Story 3, Cars 2, Brave

The Pixar Pod is back! James, Lexie and Ricky rejoin to discuss the company's film line-up with three beloved movies that some consider to be the studio's golden trilogy - the absolute best of Pixar, if not the art of animation itself... and then Cars 2 and Brave.
BUT are the latter two worthy of their lackluster reception, or are critics and audiences missing something?