Sunday, October 9, 2016

Di$ney's The Lion King 4: BRING BACK THE 90s!!!

Simba...Remember...remember THE 90s??? Well apparently Disney does, as last week they announced plans for a "live-action" remake of objectively the greatest piece of art ever created: The Lion King, to be directed by The Jungle Book alumn Jon Favreau.
Ricky sits down with fellow animation aficionado James Kinder to discuss this CG return of the king. Should Disney even attempt to fix what is clearly not broken? What patterns are there to these constant live action remakes? What can a 2016 audience gain from a remake of a film only two decades old? And come on, let's be real, they're just doing it for the money, right? All these questions and more in this week's pod! Trust us, it's to DIE for.

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