Monday, December 19, 2016

Moana, or Heihei = Bae Bae

The pod returns with the tide! Ricky sits down with friends of the show Lexie St. Jacques, Paige Anderson, and podcast newcomer Cornelia Tzana to discuss Disney's latest film: Moana!
Is the buzz true? Does Disney continue to upload its legacy of groundbreaking animated films? How is Founding Father Lin-Manuel Miranda's screen debut? Can The Rock sing? Can The Rick sing? Can YOU consider the coconut? Hold onto your hooks and absent minded poultry and jump in!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Di$ney's The Lion King 4: BRING BACK THE 90s!!!

Simba...Remember...remember THE 90s??? Well apparently Disney does, as last week they announced plans for a "live-action" remake of objectively the greatest piece of art ever created: The Lion King, to be directed by The Jungle Book alumn Jon Favreau.
Ricky sits down with fellow animation aficionado James Kinder to discuss this CG return of the king. Should Disney even attempt to fix what is clearly not broken? What patterns are there to these constant live action remakes? What can a 2016 audience gain from a remake of a film only two decades old? And come on, let's be real, they're just doing it for the money, right? All these questions and more in this week's pod! Trust us, it's to DIE for.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

The Pixar Pod: Finding Dory

And the Pixar Pod has returned!!! Ricky, Lexie, and James are united with animation extraordinaire, Paige Andersen!
The gang goes fishing for questions. Is Finding Dory better, just as good, or worse than Finding Nemo? Can Dory hold her film? How are the new characters, the old? How does this hold up in the Pixar line-up? Is possible to get "Just Keep Swimming" out of your idea?
Listen in to find out. But spoiler, the answer to the last question is no. Never.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The Pixar Pod: Part 4 - Monsters University, Inside Out, The Good Dinosaur

And thus, The Pixar Pod reaches its end. Lexie, James, and Ricky sit down for one last time to discuss Pixar's latest three films - Monsters University, Inside Out, and The Good Dinosaur.
What does the contemporary Pixar landscape look like? Do these films hold up to the classic era, or is it a time gone by? And more important, what does Pixar say about the world will live in? And what does the future hold?
All these questions and more in our thrilling conclusion!

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Pixar Pod: Part 3 - WALL-E, Up, Toy Story 3, Cars 2, Brave

The Pixar Pod is back! James, Lexie and Ricky rejoin to discuss the company's film line-up with three beloved movies that some consider to be the studio's golden trilogy - the absolute best of Pixar, if not the art of animation itself... and then Cars 2 and Brave.
BUT are the latter two worthy of their lackluster reception, or are critics and audiences missing something?

Thursday, June 23, 2016

The Pixar Pod: Part 2 - Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, Ratatouille

Ricky, James, and Lexie continue their conversation about the Pixar movie line-up with some of their classic hits, as well as their transitional period from fun buddy comedies to something a bit more mature with Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Cars, and Ratatouille.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The Pixar Pod: Part 1 - Toy Story, A Bug's Life, Toy Story 2, Monster's Inc

In preparation of Pixar's latest flick, Finding Dory, Ricky sits down with animation aficionado James Kinder and Lexie St. Jacques to discuss the history and films of Pixar past.

First up, the humble beginnings! The toys of Toy Story, the bugs of A Bug's Life, the more toys of Toy Story 2, and the hideous beasts of Monsters Inc!

Monday, June 13, 2016

I Am Not Throwing Away My Pod

How does a bastard, an orphan, son of a whore
And Scotsman, dropped in the middle forgotten spot
In the Caribbean by Providence, impoverished, in squalor

The Downes Bros (Ricky and Pat) sit down and talk about the biggest thing since Paul Revere's ride: Hamilton. While neither have yet to make it in the room where it happens, the brothers discuss the show's highlights, commitment to diversity and American identity, Tony predictions, and the controversial talk about a movie adaption.
Man, the show's NON-STOP.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Team Cap? Team Iron Man? Team Pro Golfer Hawkeye.

They've done it! By George, Marvel has done it! A hot Aunt May! Oh, and they made a great movie! Captain America: Civil War to be precise.
Uncomfortable jokes aside, Ricky sits down with friends of the show Dan O'Shea and Pat Downes, along with newcomer and Scarlett Johansson aficionado Alexa Kelly!
The gang sits down and duke it out. Team Cap vs. Team Iron Man. Joss Whedon vs. the Russo Bros. This Spidey vs. Tobey vs. Skater Dude. Falcon vs. Hawkeye, which bird is best?
We Fight. YOU decide.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Zack Snyder HATES Superman. And Lois Lane. And Kids.

The thrilling conclusion of our sensational showdown of superhero spectators!
Ricky is once again joined by the World's Finest - Amos Stillwell, Danny O'Shea, Mike Hastings, and Matt Kranis - as they lay justice to the sinister master of this cinematic catastrophe - Zack Synder and his treatment of the Man of Steel.
Is Synder to blame for Superman's putrid portrayal, or there other forces at play?

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Batsy v Supes: Do You Podcast? You Will.

Holy Dawn of Mediocrity! With the horrific reviews and less than spectualar financial performance, Zack Snyder's launch of the DC Comics Cinematic Universe, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is all the buzz.
Ricky hops on that buzz train with friends of the show Amos Stillwell, Matt Kranis, along with newcomers Mike Hastings and Dan O'Shea.
In Part One of this epic two part showdown, the boys talk about the good, the bad, and the Eisenberg. God, do we talk about the Eisenberg.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

RickBusters: Ghostbusters Trailer

I ain't afraid of no reboots! Ricky sits down with brainless, uneducated, feeble bodied, un-house trained, idiot Pat Downes to discuss the new Ghostbusters trailer.
Looks absolutely terrifying. Scariest movie of 2016.
Who you gonna call? Sony's Marketing Team.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Oscars So White. And Male. And Old. And Dumb.

It's Oscar night and that means predictions! The Red Carpet! The Favs are all out! Exclusion and bias and prejudice.
Indeed, this year's Oscars have had a lot of controversy due to its lack of inclusiveness with its nominees, in particular towards films centered by or created by people of color, as well as women in non-acting roles.
Join Ricky with a special guest, Film and TV Scholar, Alicia Carroll in a very informative and engaging discussion about those problems of exclusion, what needs to be and is being done by the industry to resolve them, and what young artists can do to help.
And the two of us also share some of predictions as well.

And be sure to read up on some of Alicia's articles about the Oscars here:

I, Too, Am Hollywood?  -

Some Thoughts on #OscarsSoWhite — For Those Who Care and Those Who Don’t, Alike -

And far, far, far more important than the Oscars, is the #JusticeforFlint concert, which will be live streamed tonight.
More information here:

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Star Boys - Episode III: The Force Awakens

The final chapter of Star Boys concludes as Ricky, Carlos, and Matt are joined by new Star Boy Amos Stillwell, as they discuss the biggest movie since...ever, Star Wars: The Force Awakens.
No topic, issue, criticism goes untouched, as the boy discuss the introduction of new characters, the return of old favorites, the directing style, theories about what's to come next, and of course the BIG scene. You know what we're taking about.
But the boys also discuss some more critical questions surrounding the movie:
Does it borrow too much for A New Hope?
Do the practical effects and puppets hold up?
Is Rey a Mary Sue, or are her critics a bunch of unwashed meninists who have never spoken to a woman? (Spoiler: It's the latter)
We go from the opening crawl to gruff Harrison Ford, BB-8, the Muppets, Super 8, Kylo Ren, How Simon Pegg's Daughter Saved the Movie, the New York Mets, Mad Max, George Lucas, Emerson kids we disagree with, Jefferson Starship, Twitter, Michael Giacchino, sand, puppies, and Bill Buckner.
What can we say, but "Now THIS is podcasting!"

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Star Boys - Episode II: I Hate Sand (and Prequels)

The Star Boys continue their Star Wars discussion, now focusing on the undesirables - the now infamous prequels.
But are these flicks really just icky, icky poodoo or did audiences miss something?
Well, apparently, because the debate gets more heated than the lava planet Mustafar!
Tune in and hear Matt and Carlos go neck and neck over Episode III while Ricky does his best Liam Neeson, Jar Jar Binks, and a scenery chewing Palpatine!